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7 results found in Businesses for concrete protection
Stirling Paint Services

159 North Shore Rd., Pembroke Parish, Bermuda, HM 14

Birman Concrete Products is the oldest concrete material supply company on the island. Our services include aggregates, concrete reinforcement, and steel decking. We also have a One Rebel rock crusher and shifter for the processing of rock...

25 Lollys Well Rd., Smith's Parish, Bermuda, FL 07

Pinnacle Painting & Maintenance Ltd.

25 Colony Valley, Southampton Parish, Bermuda, SN 04

Welcome to Bermuda Ornamental Concrete Products Bermuda Ornamental Concrete Products began operations in 1990 with just a few ornamental concrete products, namely a selection of bird baths and planters. Today, we have over 300 carefully...

11 Vesey St., Devonshire Parish, Bermuda, DV 06

Trade & Industry Services

159 North Shore Rd., Pembroke Parish, Bermuda, HM 14

Concrete Works

19 Southcourt Ave., Paget Parish, Bermuda, PG 06

The CatCon Group of Companies The CatCon Group of Companies service all of your building and maintenance needs. The companies provides a selection services to assist every stage in the development.  They provide design,...

P.O. Box HM 1955, City of Hamilton, Bermuda, HM HX

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